You're invited to join Sanchia's next FREE online masterclass!
Get inspired on Thursday the 2nd of May @ 7pm AWST as we go through 'THE TOP 1O KEY STEPS I MASTERED TO GET TO WHERE I AM TODAY!'
If you've been following along for the journey, you'll know that I was originally "supposed" to be a High School Teacher. 3 years ago I decided to ditch the ideas that society had placed on me and I tuned into my heart for the first time in my life... that was when Sound Healing Perth was birthed and the rest was history.
It's taken a lot of intentional action and learnings to reach the point that I'm at today but I'm ready to show you how you could do it too.
In my next masterclass I'm going to show you EXACTLY what I did to get to where I am today in my heart-centred business and personal life.
You'll also be first to hear about the next opportunity you have to work closely with me if you align with my energy and the work that I do.
Spaces are limited inside this masterclass on Thursday the 2nd of May - sign up now below to receive the link straight to your inbox!!!
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